Rich Platform project for Java web applications.
This project is maintained by aktion-hip
You can configure your application by overwriting RiplaApplication.getAppConfiguration(). This method returns a org.ripla.web.interfaces.IAppConfiguration object with the following interface:
public interface IAppConfiguration { IAuthenticator getLoginAuthenticator(); String getWelcome(); String getDftSkinID(); String getAppName(); }
IAppConfiguration.getLoginAuthenticator() returns the application's login authenticator (i.e. an instance of org.ripla.web.interfaces.IAuthenticator). This return value is only relevant if the application needs login.
IAppConfiguration.getWelcome() returns the welcome title displayed on the application's login page. This return value is only relevant if the application has a login page.
IAppConfiguration.getDftSkinID() returns the ID of the skin intended to be used by the application.
IAppConfiguration.getAppName() returns the name of the application.