Rich Platform project for Java web applications.
This project is maintained by aktion-hip
The purpose of the Ripla Demo application is to demonstrate the possibilities of the Ripla platform and the power of OSGi modularization.
The Demo application shows a standard web layout, consisting of header, footer, toolbar, menu bar and the application's main view. By default, the toolbar shows only one item, a language select to switch the language of the views displayed. This language select demonstrates how a toolbar item can interact with other parts of the application.
The Demo application consists of two use cases. The first use case shows various types of Vaadin widgets. The submenu is used to structure the different widget sets.
The second use case is used to configure the Demo application. The menu is built as extendible menu. The first configuration part is to enable or disable application login. By default, login is disabled and, therefore, use can access the widgets use case without login.
After enabling login, the login view is displayed and users have to authenticate. The Demo application has two users registered: admin/admin and user/user.
If you log in as admin, you'll notice some changes. The toolbar shows three items now. The user info label and the logout button have been added to the toolbar, or to be correct, they have been made visible. This demonstrates how toolbar items can react on changes of the application's state (see toolbar service).
You'll notice another change in the configuration menu. This menu shows a second item now to select the application's skin. This menu item is displayed only if you log in as admin user. This demonstrates the platform's permission service.
If you activate the view to select skins, you'll have the choice of three different skins. By default, the Ripla Demo Skin is used. Selecting another skin will show you the Demo application in a quite different look.
This demonstrates how the look&feel of the web application can be separated from the application logic and completely exchanged if required (see skin service).
Demo skin Stylish
Demo skin Modeste