
Rich Platform project for Java web applications.

This project is maintained by aktion-hip

User Store

In the case of the Demo application, the user admin implementation uses the OSGi Preferences Service to store the roles, users and groups needed by the application. If you prefer to store the user and group information in a database, you can provide your own user admin implementation based on the Ripla user admin. To do so, you can extend org.ripla.useradmin.admin.RiplaUserAdmin and override the method RiplaUserAdmin.createUserAdminStore() to provide your implementation of the user store. E.g.:

public class MyUserAdmin extends RiplaUserAdmin {
    protected IUserAdminStore createUserAdminStore() {
        return new MyUsersInDB();

The user store instance has to implement the interface org.ripla.useradmin.interfaces.IUserAdminStore.

See User Admin Service for the other steps to create a component description.

Don't forget to load the user's into your application on demand. In the case of the Demo application, this is done in the action that binds the user admin service to the application.