
Rich Platform project for Java web applications.

This project is maintained by aktion-hip

Ripla with Eclipse

Steps to create the environment to develop Ripla bundles in Eclipse.

1. Check out Ripla code with Git Repository Exploring

Git Repository Exploring -> Clone Git Repository -> URI -> enter -> choose master branch, clone repository in local directory

2. Import Ripla projects in Eclipse workspace

In Git Repository Exploring call context menu on project checked out -> choose "Import Projects…" -> "Import existing project", iterate steps for every project you want to import

3. Activate Ripla target

  1. Download and extract its content in your file system.
  2. Import the project extracted from File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace.
  3. Open the project and open the file within this project. This will display the target editor in your IDE.
  4. Click the link Set as Target Platform in the upper right corner of the target editor. Thus, the Ripla target is activated and you're prepared to start with Ripla programming!

4. Import launch configuration

"Import…" -> "Launch Configurations", enter or select directory, select "Ripla-Demo.launch"

5. Start/Debug program in Eclipse

Debug -> "Debug Configurations…" -> OSGi Framework -> select "Ripla-Demo" -> button "Debug" starts the program in debug mode on port 8080 -> http://localhost:8080/demo
(http://localhost:8080/system/console for Felix Web Console)

After having developed your own bundles for your Ripla application, you have to add them to the application’s launch configuration for that they are started.